Former NC State chancellor James Oblinger had his salary slashed last Friday–from $420,000 to $173,000.  While this salary might outrage some in of itself, in case some of you forgot, James Oblinger was the chancellor responsible for (lying about and then admitting to) hiring Mary Easley.

 The News & Observer  turned to the John Locke Foundation for an opinion on the pay cut:

John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation, a conservative
think tank, said that while the amount of money saved isn’t too
significant, the salary change had symbolic importance.

“At the
very least, it’s a lapse in judgment that deserves some response,” Hood
said of Oblinger’s actions. “If the board had gone with the original
plan, I think there would have been another round of public outrage.”

Erskine Bowles, president of the UNC system, is concerned about that outrage. In light of a bloated bureaucracy and golden parachutes, Bowles wants to get the UNC system out of the spotlight. 

The Pope Center’s Jay Schalin, does his part to keep that from happening.