Dave Barry is back with some new columns–writing from New Hampshire. His latest is on the calls for change that the candidates seem to be echoing. Here’s a taste:

Everybody in this race, Democrat and Republican, is now officially for
Change. They get more fervent about Change every day; it’s only a
matter of time before they start calling for tactical air strikes on
Washington. I’ll be honest with you: I’m getting tired of Change. I
think it’d be nice, for a change, if a candidate came out against Change, maybe with a catchy slogan like, ”Remember: It Could Get Worse,” or “Hey, At Least You’re Not Dead.”

He goes on:

Obama noted that he is for Change, and that he was for Change before
Change was cool. He is unchanged in his commitment to Change. He did
not mention his arch-rival, Hillary Clinton, by name, although he made
several subtly veiled references to “my opponent, the screeching
Just kidding! Sort of.