BobLee ruminates on Dean Smith’s clockwork-like political endorsements:
Like Paxutawny Phil in February, it’s Election Time and Ol’ Dean E. Smith pops up as is his custom. Like me, Deano wears his overt partisanship on his sleeve. I’m fine with Dean publicly supporting any candidate he chooses. My position on this is what it has always been. Dean “gets away with it” because he is aligned with the radical loons that dominate Chapel Hill and UNC. If Dean, or Roy or Butch or Anson or Sylvia were overtly Conservative they would be villified and scorned and their social and professional lives adversley effected. ….. I know several high ranking UNC staffers who share my politics. if I outed them even here they would suffer consequences. ….. The radical Left that dominates UNC is not only hypocritical relative to “free speech” they are overtly “mean”. ….. but ol’ Dean is their buddy.