It’s really hard to generate sympathy for the Guilford County Board of Education. But parents of Eastern Guilford High School students have found a way:

Numbers, emotions and agendas are flying all over the place regarding where Eastern Guilford High School students should attend classes. And the Guilford County Board of Education is caught in the middle.

A group of parents — motivated by a desire to unite their children — is pressuring the school board to buy or lease the Carolina Corporate Center in McLeansville, formerly owned by Lucent Technologies.

…But many parents are committed to the location despite not knowing how much retrofitting space in the sprawling brick building would cost. Some are willing to picket for it or hire an attorney to help their cause.

Some parents have signed a petition requesting that students be under the Carolina Corporate roof by February. But Superintendent Terry Grier said that’s simply not possible, under the best of circumstances:

“I don’t understand how anyone can make that promise. You can’t have them together by February 2007 if he gave us the building free.”

The experience with the Academy at Smith clearly shows that buying and renovating a commercial building for classroom use isn’t that easy. Nor is it easy for students and teachers in their temporary situation. But the fire at Eastern was an unexpected incident, to say the least. Parents need to take a deep breath and realize that.