In the Locker Room, the JLF‘s blog, Mitch Kokai clued readers in on Markos Moulitsas’s, of DailyKos fame, notion of the ‘Democratic Libertarian’. I know most of you will cringe just thinking of how such an oxymoron could pass through someone’s mind, but apparently it’s not such a new idea. According to Craig Duncan, co-author of the book Libertarianism: For and Against, reviewed by George Leef in Freedom Daily (June, 2006), such a creature could exist. Over the course of the review, George deconstructs the argument for Democratic Liberalism. For education, this idea requires a forced equalization of educational. A concept far from the beliefs of either George (who sees the current educational system as lacking (see, Metro Magazine, June 2006) or Lindalyn Kakadelis (whose interview with City Political explains the necessity of Charlotte’s choice/charity program, the Children’s Scholarship Fund).
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