Andrea Widburg of the American Thinker explains how reality is causing problems for Democrats’ plans to address COVID-19.
Biden ran on a promise: He was going to federalize the COVID response and end COVID in America. He introduced vaccine mandates for federal employees and those doing business with the federal government and had OSHA do the same for every business with more than 100 employees. Various states, cities, and businesses, especially when it came to healthcare, followed suit. We were also told that, if we even breathed the same air as a COVID person, we had to quarantine ourselves for ten days. In the last two days, that promised federal response, COVID mandates, and quarantines have all fallen apart, thanks to the very contagious but seemingly relatively harmless Omicron variant.
Biden made a lot of promises during the campaign and the media graciously refused to demand details. …
… Those claims—that Biden would use the federal government to end the pandemic—went a long way with people weary of 2020’s madness. On Monday, after a COVID year more deadly and dispiriting than 2020, Biden admitted that the federal government can’t fix things. …
… Trump, of course, said from the beginning that his role as president was to support the states because each state was best equipped to handle COVID as it presented within that state.
Meanwhile, as Omicron spreads, especially in New York City, one of the most vaccinated places in America, other Democrat-driven initiatives are falling. The CDC has had to shorten by 50% its COVID isolation and quarantine period recommendations, reflecting (a) that Omicron seems to be a cold and (b) that America can’t shut down because of a cold. …
… And finally, and most ironically, as Omicron cases increase, hospitals are facing staff shortages because their ludicrous, unscientific vaccine mandates saw them firing thousands of employees.