Jonathan Tobin explains at National Review Online why no one should expect the revelations in Donna Brazile’s new book to cause massive disintegration within the Democratic Party.
By revealing how the Democratic National Committee sought to steer the nomination toward Hillary Clinton at Bernie Sanders’s expense, Brazile set off a storm of bitter commentary about the 2016 race. Left-wingers such as Senator Elizabeth Warren were ready to accept the notion that the party establishment had cheated liberal insurgents and “rigged” the nomination process. At the same time, President Trump was happy to proclaim Brazile’s book as yet more proof that Hillary was “crooked,” as he has long described her. …
… But anyone who thought the story was going to lead to serious strife in the Democratic party was bound to be disappointed. After an initial surge of interest, most Democrats responded to the controversy with earplugs planted firmly in their ears and an accusatory finger pointed at Brazile. …
… [E]ven those who are most eager to join Brazile in shoveling dirt on the political graves of the Clintons are not interested in wrecking their party. Democrats are as divided as Republicans are about where their party should go, but most have retained some of the political discipline they showed during the Obama presidency, when loyalty to the president overcame any doubts they had about his administration. As Blow explained, Democrats’ only agenda at the moment is resisting Trump; for the foreseeable future, they should ignore anything that distracts from that.