In a Charlotte Business Journal report, North Carolina is ranked 2nd in a new business climate ranking.  No doubt we’ll be hearing from the corporate welfare big spenders soon about how well their giveaways are working. But is this another rigged ranking like the ones done by Site Selection Magazine (that really ranks which states give away the most taxpayers’ money – and NC is always ranked really high)?

Through the NC Dept of Commerce, the NC Economic Development Board has developed seven economic development strategic plan goals for the state?s business climate.

One of the stated goals is ?to ensure a competitive environment for the recruitment and retention of business, capital investment and jobs creation?  In other words, boost North Carolina?s business climate.  

In order to sell North Carolina as having an attractive business climate, the board is to ?develop an effective, coordinated statewide marketing/branding program? and ?orchestrate a limited, low-cost outreach campaign to advertise North Carolina?s recent efforts in economic development?.

So guess who?s been hired by the Department of Commerce to market North Carolina as a business destination and ensure that those claims appear in national and international media?  

That?s right ? Development Counsellers International (DCI)

Hired by North Carolina to ensure it ranks high as a business destination so the Department of Commerce can recruit more companies to take more tax money to come here.  Wonder how this ranks with North Carolina taxpayers?