As David wrote, the National Post’s Diane Francis is calling on political leaders to develop a “planetary law” like China’s of one-child per couple policy.  This needs to be done in the name of global warming.

Still don’t think that global warming is an excuse for pushing the socialist, and in this case, fascist policies of progressives?  In her column alone, in which the ideas espoused aren’t unusual among progressives, we see the push for global government and population control all in the name of global warming.

There’s nothing more dangerous than when progressives take some cause and use it to justify extreme measures that violate our fundamental rights and principals (and natural laws).  Example: See Eugenics.  Does anyone think the “bad guys” think they are the bad guys?  They don’t–there is always some “noble” justification for taking evil acts.

Just an amusing side note: Diane Francis has two children!