Could be.

Two weeks ago Bobcat Johnson’s attack on Barack Obama kicked off HRC’s more forceful negative slant on the senator from Illinois. It unfolded in a coldly cynical Clinton fashion with a proxy — Johnson — going deep into the muck by interjecting Obama’s youthful drug use into the debate while adding a truly inspired “street hustler” meme to the proceedings. Then, true to script, Johnson denied doing anything wrong, further prolonging the story, then apologized for doing the thing that was not wrong to begin with — further prolonging coverage of what Johnson said about Obama.

Johnson’s attack was meant to cover a previous Clinton gaffe. This is where they essentially said MLK Jr. would have been nothing without LBJ — a clumsy attempt to play up HRC’s “experience” — and that Obama’s campaign was the stuff of “fairy tales.”

Black leaders miffed by Johnson’s comments attacking Obama — they understand Johnson to be a creature of the Clintons’ reign over the FCC — were totally turned off by the continued disrespect shown the civil rights movement by the Clinton campaign. Johnson lectured church and civic leaders on history, arguing that while MLK Jr. led a “moral crusade” but such crusades have to be “written into law.” Turns out this view was no mere gaffe, this was mindset.

“That is the way the legislative process works in this nation and that takes political leadership,” Johnson told an audience in Columbia. “That’s all Hillary was saying.”

Uh-huh. Without me you are nothing. The community leaders HRC had basically bought off with early money and union help now had very little incentive to actively fight the Obama tide across the state, especially in the black majority counties.

Worse still, the Clintons reacted to their misstep by sending Bill into battle to argue that black voters in South Carolina should not support Obama just because he is black — an assumption that offended black voters everywhere. Then Bill forgot that he was not still in the White House and tried to lecture the press corps on their too soft coverage of Obama. Result: More negative coverage of HRC.

We are now at the point the inevitable Hillary looks vulnerable. Obama rolled in S.C., winning 44 of 46 counties. This is precisely the point where some of us suspects she snaps, throws a vase at an intern, and watches it all slip away.