I’ve mulled it over in my mind for several minutes now, and I still don’t get it. June Atkinson, state superintendent of public instruction, compared comprehensive sex education with communism at a press conference in early February.

Or did she?

Lawmakers were announcing the introduction of a new sex-ed bill that would allow parents to choose between contraception-based and abstinence-until-marriage sex-ed.

Atkinson said:

“It is important to have information. Just because you teach children communism does not mean children will become communists.

If Atkinson meant that reading about communism in a history textbook doesn’t turn kids into communists automatically, that makes sense. But how does that compare to comprehensive sex-ed, where teachers give an assortment of how-tos? Last time I checked, the main purpose of comprehensive sex-ed curricula isn’t an overview of the family planning movement.

Better to let this one pass. After all, Atkinson has other things on her mind.