Big surprise.

A federal judge has sided with driver Jeremy Mayfield in his bid to lift the suspension NASCAR placed on him following what NASCAR claims was a positive drug test for meth.

Brian France’s family biz botched this number from the start, first by failing to secure Mayfield’s sample in an air-tight, Bill Diehl-proof container. But that is a mere legalism. The bigger misstep was failing to immediately identify Mayfield’s admitted Adderall prescription as a de facto performance enhancing drug for race car drivers.

As I have suggested previously, I believe this is because other NASCAR drivers either tested positive for the amphetamine Adderall or proactively notified NASCAR of their use of the drug. The media’s failure to probe either of these possibilities is quite stunning, as NASCAR’s fumbling of its Mayfield response is clearly explained by wider Adderall use by NASCAR drivers.

As for the meth angle, Diehl predictably hit that one out of the park. NASCAR’s official position was that it took a urine sample to detect that Mayfield was a meth user. A guy driving 180-200mph for hours on end, was tweaked out of his brain, according to France and company. Mayfield is either the greatest trucker ever or — or NASCAR’s labs got this one wrong.

Still, the more pressing question is not if Mayfield improbably used meth and raced, but if additional NASCAR drivers used Adderall and raced. I feel even more like a crazy person than usual on this topic, something so obvious going so roundly ignored.