Democratic Rep. Maurice Hinchey spoke to CNN Radio about the “Fairness” Doctrine. Listen to what he has to say and ask yourself how a supposedly intelligent man, elected to Congress, could believe the nonsense he’s letting come out of his mouth. Notice his repetition. I predict these same phrases will begin to be used by all Democratic members of congress who understand that their ideas can’t compete in an open media marketplace.

“We should have a fair and open system”: We do, Rep. Hinchey. A reinstatement of the “Fairness” Doctrine would close the system.

We’re “just trying to open the process up, to make it more reasonable”: Openness is addressed above. “More reasonable” means getting Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservative talkers off the airwaves.

“Providing a larger diversity of information”: Again, the reinstatement of the “Fairness” Doctrine would curtail diversity, not enhance it.

Making it so that there’s “more information out there” so people can make decisions “based upon all of the information out there”: There would be less, not more, information available to citizens, voters and taxpayers with a “Fairness” Doctrine, and he knows it. There is far more information “out there” than when the “Fairness” Doctrine was in force.