• The debate over debates continues between Democratic Senate incumbent Kay Hagan and her Republican challenger, House Speaker Thom Tillis. Tillis says he has accepted invitations from seven groups and would like to participate in 10 debates this fall. Hagan’s team says she wants to join “multiple” debates, but hasn’t agreed on the number or the sponsors. Tillis would like to have a schedule roughed out by the end of June.
• Former state Rep. John Rhodes, who was defeated by Tillis in the 2006 GOP primary and hasn’t forgotten about it, is trying to launch a write-in campaign for Senate.
• Rep. Mark Meadows, R-11th, formally kicks off his re-election campaign July 1 in Fletcher with a barbecue featuring South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, a rising star among conservatives.
• State Rep. Marcus Brandon, D-Guilford, who lost the primary to succeed U.S. Rep. Mel Watt in the 12th Congressional District, has filed a resolution asking the General Assembly to call for a constitutional convention that would overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance. The measure has four co-sponsors and is unlikely to go anywhere.