• The most recent Real Clear Politics polling average of the “generic” vote for Congress (“are you more likely to vote for a Democrat or a Republican in the next congresssional election?”) shows the two major parties in a tie. In recent elections, Democrats have tended to turn out more than Republicans based on the generic polls taken just before election day, but in some cases, those extra votes have not translated into electoral victories in House races with gerrymandered districts or Senate races in states where one party strongly outnumbers the other.
• The Stokes News offers a voter guide to residents of the 6th Congressional District who are eligible to vote in the July 15 runoff featuring GOP hopefuls Phil Berger Jr. and Mark Walker. Early voting opens July 3.
• A survey from Democratic firm Public Policy Polling shows Terry Van Duyn, the Asheville Democratic activist and Moral Monday protester who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of the late Sen. Martin Nesbitt, in decent shape in her race to defeat Republican nominee Mark Crawford and serve a full term in District 49. Substantial majorities of those surveyed have no opinion of either candidate.
• Former Gov. Bev Perdue is in the news again, this time for pleading guilty Friday to a lesser charge and prevent a May 22 speeding ticket from affecting her driving record.