• Two news ads from the Koch brothers-funded Freedom Partners Action Fund go after Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s record on veterans health reform and her vote backing Obamacare, respectively.
• At a forum last night for Supreme Court candidates sponsored by the Triangle Lawyers chapter of the Federalist Society, chief justice candidate Ola Lewis was the only no-show. Look for an in-depth story later today at Carolina Journal Online.
• A poll commissioned by Republican Mark Walker’s campaign shows the 6th Congressional District nominee with a 54-31 lead over Democratic challenger Laura Fjeld.
• Responding to a complaint from the NC NAACP about a campaign ad touting the forthcoming voter ID requirement, state Senate leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, changes the ad to note that the mandate takes effect in 2016.
• A Washington Post blog notes that Rep. Walter Jones, R-3rd, once again is trying to rally his colleagues to oppose military action overseas, in this instance against the Islamic State.