The first part of this AP news story:
DENVER – A black delegate for Hillary Rodham Clinton says she was called an “Uncle Tom” by Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, one of Barack Obama’s political mentors.
Chicago political consultant Delmarie Cobb says Jones made the remarks Saturday night while discussing her support for Clinton. She called the remark “fighting words” and unacceptable.
Either way you look at it — whether the slur occurred or whether it was inferred — you have more of the same old tired race-based gotcha politics that Democrats have used for decades and suddenly, since they had long forgotten other ways to make cases for themselves, found themselves using against each other this year.
But it gets better. Here’s the defense against the charge:
Jones, who also is black, said Monday that he never uttered the slur. He says he referred to Cobb and other Clinton supporters as “doubting Thomases.”
Obama notwithstanding, just Who did the original doubting Thomas actually doubt?