Steve McCann writes for the American Thinker about the decline of legacy media outlets.

Thanks to Donald Trump’s revolutionary campaign strategy of near-exclusive focus on internet media, Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, and self-immolation, the dominant ninety-year run of the self-styled “mainstream media” ended with the 2024 presidential election, alongside its legacy of being the cheerleaders and propaganda arm of the American Left and an increasingly radicalized Democrat Party. …

… The preponderance of the current generation of so-called mainstream journalists are more ill-educated and steeped in Marxist ideology than their predecessors. Over the past twenty-five years these useful idiots have had the use of the mainstream media platform to unabashedly promote Marxist cultural and economic policies in furtherance of transforming America.

It is this iteration of the mainstream media that accelerated the self-immolation of a nine-decades-old institution. Unlike their predecessors, they no longer hid behind a fig-leaf of objectivity.

Beginning in 2008 they abandoned any pretext of objectivity by their obsequious fawning over Barack Obama, their mindless determination to destroy Donald Trump, and their unabashed support for an obviously incapable and senescent Joe Biden. They robotically assumed the role of the Democrat Party’s Praetorian Guard as they, almost universally, regurgitated and promoted the talking points, fabrications, innuendos, and “fake news” given to them by their fellow-travelers.

In a recent Gallup poll taken prior to the 2024 election just thirty percent of the citizenry have a great deal or fair amount of trust and confidence in the media. Further, 70% believe the media is pushing an agenda and not fairly reporting the news.

Americans, as polling reveals, have become progressively suspicious of the mainstream media. The citizenry is increasingly assuming that virtually all news as presented by them is either a fabrication or an exaggeration to promote a left-wing agenda. The media’s grotesque exculpation of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats during the Biden presidency and their role as propagandists during the 2024 campaign has permanently cemented this mindset among the majority of the electorate.