That’s what they said George W. Bush felt about black people when he hadn’t sent massive federal aid into New Orleans barely 12 hours after Hurricane Katrina hit. But it’s been days and days since an ice storm left much of Kentucky powerless, with 16 people already having died from exposure, and Obama and his federal government are nowhere to be seen.

If you remember the spasm of fake outrage, the faked-up news stories about killings in the Superdome and such, you can’t help but see the stark double standard here.

Will a country singer go on stage at a relief concert and accuse Obama of not caring about rural white people? Remember when Kanye West said Bush didn’t care about black people? Speaking of which, where’s the relief show for the victims in Kentucky, you know, the gun-loving, God-loving rural types that cling to guns and Bibles? Don’t hold your breath.