Sen. Elizabeth Dole upset Tim Russert and the Democratic panelists on “Meet the Press” Sunday when she said:

?It?s almost as if the Democrats, you know, it?s like they?re content
with losing because to pull out, to withdraw from this war is losing.
No question about it.?

Russert, former Democratic political operative that he is, responded:

?The Democrats are content with losing?? an astonished Russert demanded, adding. ?That?s a very strong statement.?

But across the pond the German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur ran a story today with this headline: “Democrats urge Iraq retreat in final US election blitz.” Here’s the lede on their story:

Campaigning for US congressional elections reached a frenzied finale
Monday with opposition Democrats urging a gradual retreat from Iraq and
President George W Bush seeking to stave off losses for his Republican
Party over the unpopular war.

“Gradual retreat”? Sounds like wanting to lose to me. I agree with the brilliant Bill Whittle, who wrote one of his rare essays yesterday:

Hey, I have an idea! How about we support the troops by bringing them home victorious?