Global warming alarmists aren’t the only ones who completely ignore facts as they try to propagandize the climate for political purposes. The same can be said for gun control zealots as well. The facts certainly didn’t get in the way of The Washington Post’s hysterical editorial today on the DC Circuit panel’s ruling that the gun ban in D.C. violates the Second Amendment. 

Radley Balko points out the flaws in the WaPo‘s reasoning:

Notably, it’s utterly lacking
in any evidence to support the claim that lax gun control laws result
in more gun-related crime. Thing is, even wealthy neighborhoods in D.C.
have more gun crime than urban areas across the river in Virginia,
where it’s relatively easy to own a gun. And 25 years of a D.C. gun ban
hasn’t done a damn thing to reduce violence in the city. It remains one
of the most violent cities in the country, though it’s down from
leading the country in that category, as it did through much of the
1990s (also while the gun ban was in play).