An instant classic song spoof. Even Don McLean would love it. A sampling:

Oh, and there we were all in one place
Moonbats lost in cyberspace
With no chads left to count again
So come on, Fitz be nimble, Fitz be quick
Indict some Rethug and make it stick
‘Cause indifference is the fascists’ only friend

And as I watched him on the news
My lips were clenched ’round some cheap booze
But no drink the store would sell
Could break Bushitler’s spell
And as the “Plame Game” died out in the light
To cheers from the “Religious Right”
I saw Freepers laughing with delight
The day that Fitzmas died

We were singing:
Don’t cry, Ms. American Spy
We’ll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin’, this’ll be the day donkeys fly
This’ll be the day donkeys fly