In the email today are announcements about the City of Asheville’s African-American Heritage Committee and its Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee. It sounds more like government by special interest than by good, classical-liberal principles. To top it all off, Mayor Esther Manheimer announced today the formation of a development task force. This appears to be following the lead of Hendersonville in letting people who are trying to grow the economy have a say in how they use their own resources. What’s more, this gives voice to the voiceless, those who are too busy trying to make a living to enjoy the luxury of sitting through public meetings. But then, maybe the board will only represent those firms big enough to hire high-powered attorneys.
Oh, why knock it:
“The task force will be charged with identifying barriers to private investment in the city and . . .”
Oh, here’s why:
“. . . opportunities like private-public partnerships.”