An NC State Technician article discusses the campus reaction to the Duke lacrosse controversy. I was originally going to post this on how overreaction had poisoned relations on other campuses, too, quoting NC State lacrosse club members:

The players said they have had questions thrown at them implying they have parties like the Duke lacrosse players held.

“Everywhere I go people ask me if I’ve ever raped anyone, or if I have parties like that,” [the president of the lacrosse club, Ricardo] Pineda said.

[Club member Rob] Morton said he has also received many comments about the whole issue of the alleged lacrosse raping.

“People ask if this is what happens at lacrosse parties. It gets repetitive,” Moreton said. “What they do doesn’t represent lacrosse players.”

Moreton and Pineda said they have classes on different sides of campus, but both are receiving the same criticism from students and others. One lacrosse club member, Mike Hart … said he was in a hotel elevator with his Pack lacrosse shirt on, and some men that came into the elevator claimed to know the alleged victim. The men made speculations about lacrosse in general.

“They said that it was messed up lacrosse players do that,” Hart said.

But unfortunately NC State has the same kind of irresponsible, poison-the-well, race-baiting leftists on its campus that Duke has ? as I’ve
reported before. Witness these comments (emphasis added) from the director of the African-American Cultural Center:

Fred Hord, the director of NCSU’s African American Cultural Center, said he thinks that the case is racial.

“I think it’s definitely – even if it turns out to be not true – racial,” Hord said.

Hord said racial tensions are a part of American history, and “black women raped with impunity by white men is an ongoing thing.”

“There’s a history that makes it racial. It’s hard to keep it from being racial,” Hord said, and added “it obviously has to do with sexism and the glorification of athletes.”

Yes, here’s another example of leftists reverting back to “truthiness” ? that handy, fake-but-accurate, certain-lies-are-good relativism which allows them to defend complete fabrications, even when they tear communities apart, on the basis of serving the “greater good”; i.e., their own political purposes.

One hopes ? however vainly ? that NC State’s administration will stand up to such divisive twaddle, but one suspects that such a position is geared for nothing but fostering racial division.

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