Margot Cleveland of the Federalist argues that partisans on the political left and right should agree about James Comey’s future in American public life.
Democrats and Republicans will never agree on the validity of the outcome of the Hillary Clinton investigation. While Clinton backers believe the former secretary of state committed no crime by transmitting classified information through her personal email account, critics counter that former FBI director James Comey’s conclusion that Clinton acted “extremely careless” euphemistically described gross negligence subjecting her to criminal liability.
Likewise, the country seems perpetually divided over the question of Russian collusion. Even Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s finding that there was no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia failed to shake Democrats and Never Trump Republicans from their belief. Instead, Mueller’s report fueled a second fracture in American sentiments over whether Trump obstructed justice. Attorney General William Barr’s conclusion that a criminal case was not supportable did nothing to lessen the divide.
While Americans remain split over whether Clinton or Trump committed crimes, there should be a consensus on Comey’s handling of both matters. All Americans should see the former FBI director for what he was: a self-righteous, self-important, above-the-law and above-the-chain of command, morally weak egotist. He should be a public pariah. …
… Comey’s appeal to the plurality of Americans still seized with Trump derangement syndrome is understandable—the former FBI director’s anti-Trump schtick is irresistible Kool-Aid to the president’s enemies. But Comey’s behavior should not be celebrated. It should be an anathema to anyone believing in the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power in our democratic republic.