Not even a horrendous recession can keep Durham bureaucrats from trying to reach even further into taxpayer pockets. The Herald-Sun reports that Durham County Manager Mike Ruffin will recommend to county commissioners that they put two tax hikes on the fall ballot.
The first is a quarter-cent sales tax hike to funnel even more local cash into public schools. Expect to hear cries of the tired old “it’s for the children” rhetoric that we hear every time the big-government contingent wants more money. And don’t be surprised if the pro tax hike crowd also pulls out the “it saves or creates jobs” rhetoric, too.
The second tax hike Mike Ruffin reportedly will call for is a half-cent sales tax hike to fund the boondoggle of regional rail. Expect the pro tax hike crowd to focus on the piece of the transit plan that adds more bus routes and minimize the rail portion of the plan, which they know many folks have learned enough about to oppose.
Bottom line: It looks as if Durham County voters will be asked to decide “yes” or “no” on two tax hikes this fall.