According to Portfolio magazine, anyway. Durham was named the fourth-smartest city in America, far ahead of the North Carolina’s other cities on the list of the 200 smartest cities (PDF).
Here are the N.C. cities that made the list:
4th, Durham
12th Raleigh
55th Charlotte
71st Wilmington
94th Asheville
132nd Winston-Salem
146th Fayetteville
193rd Hickory
Notice what’s missing? Is Chapel Hill in a whole ‘nother category, or did they truly not measure up enough to knock Hickory off the list?
(Link via Jeff Taylor)
UPDATE: Mitch Kokai tells me that the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan Statistical Area was split some years ago, into a Raleigh/Cary MSA and a separate Durham/Chapel Hill MSA, and that they are called “Raleigh” and “Durham.” If this poll was based on MSA’s instead of cities, I’m sure Chapel Hill will quickly announce itself responsible for Durham’s high standing.