The Durham City Council will decide on June 21 whether to end all business travel by city employees to Arizona until it repeals its entirely reasonable and prudent immigration law. Their irrational behavior in this instance reminds me of what happened to a friend this morning in Los Angeles.

This friend was leaving her driveway in a car with Arizona license plates. Before she’d gone 100 yards, a Hispanic man rode along side of her and began screaming, cursing and flipping her off. She rolled down her window and asked what his problem was, thinking that maybe she’d unknowingly cut him off or something.

But the man called here a “racist Republican b***h” and said, “No one should be judged on the way they look.”

“Well, that’s what you’re doing to me!” she responded.

At which time he said she should put a black mark on her license plate to show people she was down with the cause.

The Durham City Council, is made up of Mayor Bill Bell, Mayor Pro-Tem Cora Cole-McFadden, Diane N. Catotti, J. Michael Woodard, Howard Clement, III, Eugene A. Brown and Farad Ali. Any of them who vote for this misguided proposal, are no better than the man in the car.

They, like him, don’t care what the law says. It’s all emotion and pandering. They should be better than that.