I have not decided. On the motivated side, willing to wait several hours to vote. On the unmotivated side, possibly unwilling (or unable) to find their home precincts or miss work on Tuesday.
This is why drawing sweeping conclusions about turnout seems premature. We’ll just have to wait until Wednesday to find out.
I do know that there was no way I was gonna wait in line for hours to vote, early or no. Several fly-bys at several different early vote locations in MeckCo produced roughly the same baseline wait. My motivation tracks the battery life on my iPod. When that dies, my time in cue can be counted in minutes.
I’ll be sure to charge up tonite. But that may not be enough.
Update: On cue, here’s an interesting analysis of early voting in NC from CAJ Consultants. One conclusion: Perhaps half of all votes have already been cast.