Locker Room’s all over the State Board of Elections hearing to investigate allegations of campaign-finance violations by former Gov. Mike Easley. Much of it would be laughable if it weren’t so blatantly corrupt. Check out testimony from Robert Bleeker, the car dealer who hooked Easley up with an SUV:

“Mr. Easley and I had an understanding that he would pay for the car when he got through using the car,” Bleecker said.

He said they put lease tags on it, but there was no traditional documentation for a lease. He said he expected Easley to pay the difference between the value of the car at the time and its value when the former governor turned it in.

Bleecker said he’s never had an arrangement like this with another customer.

Bleecker said he received a check from Mary Easley for around $6,900 for the Yukon in March 2009, after his manager called and asked to be paid for it. Bleecker then transferred the title over to Easley.

Clash for Clunkers is long gone, so try this pitch with your local car dealership and see how far it gets you.