From Campus Reform comes the story of one North Carolina professor’s anti-religion bias, which he seeks to impose on his students.

Assistant Professor Eli Hvastkovs, who teaches chemistry at East Carolina University (ECU), instructed his students to prepare a “family friendly” 35­ word personal statement that mentions future plans or “thanks someone.” The students, however, were explicitly forbidden from thanking God.

“You can’t thank God. I’m sorry about this – and I don’t want to have to outline the reasons why.” – Professor Eli Hvastkovs Tweet This

“I’ve had some submissions that needed to be edited. so [sic] here are some guidelines,” the email reads. “1. You can’t thank God. I’m sorry about this – and I don’t want to have to outline the reasons why.”

I encourage you to read the entire story. It is instructive.

Thankfully, ECU officials have disavowed the professor’s insulting instructions.

After Hvastkovs’s interview with Campus Reform, Provost Marilyn Sheerer released an email advising students disregard Hvastkovs’s guidelines.

Sheerer’s response told students that “[r]eligious references of any type will not be restricted,” and the “[u]niversity will only limit these expressions, as permitted by applicable First Amendment law.