A News & Observer article this week about legislation targeting changes in North Carolina’s public schools quoted John Locke Foundation Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops. Stoops’ comments generated reaction from a letter writer. Stoops also discussed this week with WWNC Radio’s Pete Kaliner a controversial fourth-grade assignment in a Henderson County public school class. That assignment involved criticism of the General Assembly’s Republican majority.

The Wilson Daily Times interviewed Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato about the state House’s vote to repeal the estate tax. (“These are assets, not cash,” said Roy Cordato, vice president for research at the John Locke Foundation. “You can’t just pay this tax out of the inheritance. Very often, you have to sell the family farm to pay the tax on the farm.” Cordato said eliminating the estate tax wouldn’t dramatically reduce state revenues.)

The Division of Labour website and N.C. Senate Republicans both promoted Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders‘ column criticizing the use of a dubious “multiplier” to promote film incentives. NCPoliticalNews.com highlighted Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry‘s latest research newsletter on the economics of homeownership.