Match the amount with the expenditure:
1. $822 million
2. $4.1 million
3. $2 billion
4. $75 million
5. $215,000
6. $80,000
7. $500 million
A. Land costs for two new elementary school sites in Wake County
B. Proposed amount for a statewide school construction bond
C. Planning grants for two small academies to be opened in low-performing Durham high schools
D. Likely 2008 or 2009 Wake County school construction bond referendum request
E. Cost of an “academic audit” for Wake County Schools
F. Money recently transfered from the lottery to public schools
G. Amount raised by a statewide half cent sales tax hike
Answers: 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-F, 5-E, 6-C, 7-G