An article in the Charlotte Observer and News & Observer included Terry Stoops’ assessment of a recent job fair designed to lure North Carolina teachers to Houston, Texas. The Mooresville Tribune and Mount Airy News both published his recent column discussing North Carolina’s heavy reliance on state taxpayer funding for public education. The Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” blog promoted a recent report from Stoops and John Locke Foundation President John Hood detailing academic research findings about the positive impact of choice and competition on student achievement.

The N.C. Spin website promoted Stoops’ column on North Carolina schools’ teacher recruitment challenges in high-demand subject areas, along with his “Locker Room” blog entry on the “disaster” of First Lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch campaign. N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email and the “Bridge to Tomorrow” blog also highlighted Stoops’ teacher recruitment concerns. The “Lady Liberty 1885” blog cited Stoops’ analysis of Houston’s recruitment of Tar Heel teachers.

The Mooresville Tribune and Mount Airy News published Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry‘s column about North Carolina occupancy taxes. promoted Curry’s research newsletter on the state Senate’s budget plan, Health and Human Services Policy Analyst Katherine Restrepo‘s research newsletters on pre-existing health conditions and the state Senate budget’s Medicaid provisions, along with the John Locke Foundation’s news release on the Senate budget. N.C. Senate Republicans highlighted the budget news release in their daily press email, along with Jon Sanders’ column panning a proposed targeted tax incentive.

The Mount Airy News, Sampson Independent, and Wilson Daily Times published an editorial citing John Locke Foundation research linked to juvenile justice issues. ([S]upporters cite a 2012 report by the conservative John Locke Foundation that found much worse outcomes for 16- and 17-year-olds who enter the adult system: The threat of incarceration as an adult is not a deterrent to crime; recidivism rates are much higher; educational attainment is lower; juveniles are much more likely to be victims of violence and sexual assault in adult prisons; and their suicide rates are higher.)