The location?
A 7th grade class at Lincoln Middle School in Alameda, California
The idea?
Teach “tolerance” in a creative way
The method?
“put up a big piece of paper and have the kids call out every cuss word and racial epithet they could dream up.”
The words?
ABC7 News says, “Decorum and the FCC prohibit us from telling you the words that went up in the classroom but they were racially and sexually explicit.”
The principal’s response?
Judith Goodwin, Lincoln Middle School principal said, “It was appropriate as a lesson that is going to support teaching tolerance.” She says that the lesson’s been taught for 10 years and this is the first complaint.
The reason for no prior complaints?
The children were told not to discuss the lesson outside the classroom.
The resolution?
The school district “told ABC7 News they will send home letters warning parents of the swearing class and giving them the option of opting out next year when they teach the class again.”