Parents continue to express outrage over a book sophomores at Watauga High were required to read. The parent taking the lead in the charge against putting nasty stuff in children’s minds was Chastity Lesesne. Lesesne said Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits was, “[BLEEP] and [BLEEP] in its descriptions of [BLEEP], [BLEEP], and [BLEEP].”

Parent Ken Sevensky also spoke in support of Lesesne’s challenge, saying he had to put the book down after starting it because he didn’t want to read the “obscene” material anymore.

Sevensky asked if he could read aloud some of the controversial parts, which [school] board Chairman Lee Warren denied.

“Thank you. Because I don’t want to do it,” Sevensky said. “If it can’t be read in a public forum, then why are we asking our students to read this literature?”