Rich Lowry’s latest column, on John Edwards, is titled “The Hater.” Pretty much says it all about the multimillionaire candidate whose schtick is to bash the rich.
Edwards is like a stand-up comedian who has honed his act down to the most effective material. In the case of the comedian, all that’s left is laughs; in the case of Edwards, almost all that is left is unbridled hostility. His campaign pitch is a well-polished mailed fist aimed at the gut of the establishment, defined by Edwards as heartless, money-grubbing corporations.
He ends with this:
Ultimately, Edwards offers a sectarian message with limited appeal to an upwardly mobile country that is richer and, for all the dissatisfaction with Washington, more content than when FDR was welcoming the hatred of plutocrats. But, for now, some Iowa Democrats are willing to give hate a chance.
That he is still viable makes one wonder about the sanity of the Iowa caucus goers.
UPDATE: A backlash may be setting in regarding the craziness of putting so much political emphasis on two outlying states like Iowa and New Hampshire.