Don Carrington‘s aerial shot of presidential hopeful John Edwards’ Orange County compound continues to prove newsworthy.  With the help of postings on and The Sleuth from the Washington Post, combined with airtime on Brit Hume’s “Political Grapevine,” John Gibson’s “Big Story,” and Rush Limbaugh our web traffic went ballistic, leaving us high and dry, yet again. We set a record on Carolina Journal Online with 216,880 page views, and that’s much lower than it actually was since probably as many as another 150,000 occurred after we had to switch servers and were not counted by our Web metric system.  After the explosion, we’re still experiencing web traffic trickling, thanks in part to other blog hits. We had 22,000 page views this Monday, 13,500 on Tuesday and 46,000 on Wednesday.  I predict that the story will continue to pop up in the news as the global warming debate heats up thanks to a preemptive policy report issued by the UN. Jon Sanders provides an inside into the Chicken Little tale. How will Edwards reconcile the clear-cutting necessary to build his mansion with his party’s global-warming rhetoric?