Christopher Bedford of the Federalist worries about legitimate election concerns getting lost in the shadow of high-profile conspiracy theories.

There’s a problem here, and it’s more than the tens of millions of dollars hopeful Americans have poured into a legal fight they feel is necessary to securing the future of our elections. The problem is this battle is far too important to be buried by conspiracy-theory accusations from the left and its media, which means it’s far too important to be left to conspiracy theorists.

Election fraud is not just a real issue, it is a deadly serious one to the future of our country. …

… It isn’t simply the dead voting, the living’s votes counting for candidates they did not vote for, and voters who didn’t even cast ballots counting for candidates they did not vote for — it’s difficult-to-impossible to unscramble mail-in ballots coming in after legal deadlines and counting anyway; it’s a systemic barring of supervision and oversight; it’s judges re-writing legal voting laws in the name of mass COVID-19 hysteria.

These problems are real and deserve real and deeply careful attention. If fraud continues without consequence, the United States’ entire system for the peaceful transfer of power is threatened by the shaken trust and faith peaceful transfer of power demand. …

… [A]ccusations need to be pursued carefully and with force of law — not television bluster and internet conspiracy. …

… It’s well-accepted both inside and outside campaign and serious election circles that once the vast majority of illegally counted votes are in the mix, it’s next to impossible to remove them beyond getting a federal judge to order a complete re-do on a state’s election. In the Trump campaign’s case, this would require multiple federal judges committing to multiple states redoing their elections. This isn’t going to happen — the crimes will not be undone in any kind of a meaningfully result-altering way.