Much of the political debate in recent months has focused on the plight of the middle class. John Locke Foundation President John Hood discussed challenges facing the American middle class during his latest appearance on WFAE Radio’s “Charlotte Talks” program. The Queen City’s public radio station also sought Hood’s thoughts about the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Hood traveled to Charlotte this week to address the Mecklenburg County Young Republicans.
Speaking of national political party conventions, Director of Communications Mitch Kokai discussed the Republicans’ proceedings in Tampa during back-to-back Thursday and Friday morning appearances with Demetri Ravanos on Talk Radio WPTF. Kokai and Curtis Wright discussed Republican National Convention highlights for the WAAV/WFNC Radio morning program.
Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray will discuss the week’s top political news this afternoon on WTSB Radio. She offered a preview for the same station Monday morning.
Education issues also led North Carolina radio hosts to JLF experts this week. Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops discussed homeschooling on WPTF, while Lindalyn Kakadelis of the N.C. Education Alliance chatted with Lockwood Phillips about national Common Core standards for WTKF’s “Viewpoints Radio.”