Screen Shot 2013-05-15 at 4.49.22 PMI was looking around yesterday to see if any of our NC Democratic members of Congress had weighed in on the IRS scandal. Seemed like a serious enough issue to warrant even Democratic liberals to be upset about. But, no, could not find any comments.

Today I find that 2nd District Republican Renee Ellmers has commented. Still can’t find any Dem response, though. Here’s Ellmers’ statement:

The reports of the Obama administration’s actions this week are deeply disturbing and strike at the core of our liberties and basic protections under the Constitution. As Americans, we expect our government to preserve, protect, and defend our rights – not target them for political gain and control. These reports cast a dark shadow on this administration and are completely unacceptable, not to mention dangerous. President Obama must act immediately to bring those accountable to justice and not stand in the way of the truth. Americans deserve a full account of what has transpired.