The House takes up Senate Bill, 1004, Amend Certain Electricity Generation Laws. Another one of those bills resulting from the massive 2007 renewable energy Senate Bill 3.
Rep Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford) proposes an amendment to the first part of the bill and Progress energy’s compliance with the Clean Smokestacks Act regarding scrubbing requirements of coal fired plants can be met better with conversion to a natural gas plant.
Rep Pryor Gibson (D-Anson) asks if this will expedite compliance with clean air requirements. Refers to SB 3, and says this is an excellent amendment.
Amendment passes 117-0.
Harrison explains the part of the bill that deals with financing utilities to convert to renewable energy. The third part of the bill eliminates an exemption for coal ash ponds regulations. Hopes to find more regulations later.
Vote on the bill is 117-0. Goes back to the Senate.
The House takes a recess until 3:40. When they return, they’ll take up the annexation reform bill.