An interesting battle is shaping up over wind power in Scotland. Guess what side the environmentalists are on.
The entire article can be accessed here. Below are some interesting quotes.
“Campaigners against wind power have reacted furiously to such large-scale developments, claiming they could destroy the nation?s remaining wilderness.
They also fear the massive turbines could kill rare birds of prey such as golden eagles, and wader birds, which often nest and fly in the surrounding areas…
A growing number of environmental groups are also coming out against a proliferation of wind farms.
Simon Milne, the new chief executive of the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT), which runs more than 100 nature reserves, said: “It is essential that a full environmental impact assessment is carried out on each proposed site, and this should be coordinated nationally rather than locally.”
The SWT is objecting to the giant wind farm proposed on the internationally important peatlands on Lewis…Milne added: “Here there is a clear and pressing danger to wildlife…” Some campaigners insist wind power is not an effective renewable energy supply, pointing to the experiences of European countries with more advanced schemes than the UK?s. In Denmark, carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise as older coal power stations have been forced to make up for shortfalls in electricity on low wind days.”