I may be a little behind on this issue, but I heard about it the other day and felt that something should be posted on it.

A new threshold (that had to be regarded as inevitable) has now been crossed in the academic community with regard to climate change policy. This threshold now carries the enviro-socialist movement from a latent, passive-aggressive attitude toward the human existence to an overt disdain for human beings.

Dr. Barry Walters, professor of obstetric medicine at the University of Western Australia, is now calling for the Australian government to implement a mandatory carbon tax on parents who have more than two children. For each additional child, there would be a $5,000-plus tax at birth and an annual $800 tax for the life of the child. The new baby taxes would go to offset the additional carbon dioxide that the child would emit over its lifetime.

However, Australian residents could earn a “carbon-tax credit” if they undergo a sterilization procedure.

Here are Dr. Walters own words:

Every newborn baby in Australia represents a potent source of greenhouse gas emissions for an average of 80 years, not simply by breathing but by the profligate consumption of resources typical of our society.

Far from showering financial booty on new mothers and rewarding greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour, a ‘baby levy’ in the form of a carbon tax should apply, in line with the ‘polluter pays’ principle.

Apparently, procreation is the newest form of “pollution” that should be regulated by government, with the “offenders” being punished for this horrific act.

Cross-posted at www.environmentnc.com.