Ed Morrissey writes at HotAir.com about one major media outlet’s new questions for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Up through yesterday, America’s institutional media have contented themselves with Stenogralism, offering Kamala Harris’ narrative delivered off the record as their own reporting. Despite having a full press pool on Air Force Two, the media hasn’t asked for so much as a white paper on any issue in the election, let alone point out that Harris hasn’t actually formulated a policy platform at all.

Today, however, the leader of the Protection Racket Media signaled their curiosity — at least — about what Harris plans to do if she wins the election. Following up on a Trump tax-cut plan that they conceded could make a difference in the election, the New York Times wondered where Harris’ economic plan might be … and when voters can see it. Their headline wasn’t exactly subtle about it, either:

Trump’s Tax Plan Could Add Trillions in Debt. Harris’s Is a Mystery.

Jim Tankersley, the NYT’s reporter on the economy and policy, was only slightly less subtle:

“Independent analyses suggest Mr. Trump’s plans could add close to $4 trillion over the next decade to America’s already fast-growing national debt, even after factoring in additional revenues from new taxes he wants to impose on imports.

“It is impossible to make a similar estimate for Vice President Kamala Harris, Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponent this fall. She has not laid out any tax or spending plans, or other economic policy proposals, with enough detail to estimate whether they would add to deficits or reduce them.” …

… “Ms. Harris, who began seeking the Democratic nomination late last month immediately after Mr. Biden stepped aside and endorsed her, has no policy proposals posted on her campaign website — economic or otherwise.”

As if that’s not bad enough, Harris’ campaign wouldn’t confirm that Kamala still supports Joe Biden’s budget proposal from March. That has plenty of fiscal “question marks,” Tankersley observes, primarily related to tax-cut promises Biden made at that time too.