The mainstream media and lefty blogs had egg on their faces yesterday after publishing what they thought was a huge scoop that revealed Sarah Palin’s hypocrisy on health care. Palin said recently in a speech in Calgary that her family went across the border to Canada for health care. Here’s what she said:
The vocal opponent of health-care reform in the U.S. steered largely clear of the topic except to reveal a tidbit about her life growing up not far from Whitehorse.
“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada,” she said. “And I think now, isn’t that ironic?”
Here’s The Washington Post jumping to conclusions:
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, a fierce opponent of Democratic health-care reform efforts who has said America under President Obama is headed toward socialism, told a Canadian audience her family used to go to Canada to get medical care when she was growing up.
Here’s the Huffington Post:
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — who has gone to great lengths to hype the supposed dangers of a big government takeover of American health care — admitted over the weekend that she used to get her treatment in Canada’s single-payer system.
But here’s the problem. Sarah was six years old when the incident took place, and Canada did not yet have its vaunted single-payer health care system. Oops.
Some media implied that the family made a 15-hour trip from the Anchorage area for the privilege of obtaining socialist health care in Canada. Oops again. At the time it happened here family was living in Skagway, which is only about 60 miles south of Whitehorse, in the Yukon.
The media go to great lengths to portray Palin as a dim bulb, but isn’t it amazing that they think that at six years old she could dictate her parents’ health care choices.
The notion that this incident represented a political decision by the young Sarah is equally ludicrous, and shows how deranged the lefty media is when it comes to the former Alaska governor.