Politics is now an all-consuming affair in American society today. As institutions continue to lose credibility, erode, or collapse altogether, individuals increasingly associate in ideological groups and settings. Elections are often treated as a near life or death matter – complete with religious fervor – as nearly everything about our culture is politicized. Americans are even quick to take to social media to rant and rave about elections in states or localities that they don’t even reside in or never dreamed of visiting. Public meltdowns over Supreme Court nominations are now expected instead of a rare occurrence.
Is all this politicization good? What does politics and the government actually solve and what can’t it solve? Join Ray Nothstine as he discusses why more politics inevitably means more government and why limiting the political sphere is required for a free society.
After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for Q&A for those who are attending in-person.
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