Some bullet points from the Charlotte Observer article on the Metropolitan Transit Committee’s meeting discussing the proposed light rail line–the “Red Line”—to Lake Norman:
*Huntersville John Aneralla advocated for more negtiations with Norfolk southern to build on the existing freight line because “a new proposed route for the train would cause too much uncertainty for property owners.”
*Davidson Mayor Rusty Knox agreed that the existing freight line was “the only alternative” in Davidson.
*Last but not least, Charlotte Area Transit System chief executive John Lewis conceded he does not know how the Red Line would be financed. The Observer notes “CATS can’t afford to build a Lake Norman train or a train to the airport without more money, most likely from a tax increase.”
So what does the committee do? Naturally it votes —-9 to 1—to press ahead with the study, with Aneralla casting the lone ‘no’ vote.
Every reason in the world –the least of which (as you probably gathered) is lack of funding—not to build a light rail line to Lake Norman, whether or existing track or not. But it’s what the powers that be want, and that’s all that matters, right?