Tim Carney is one of the best writers today and in this piece, he gets at a crucial issue — are we going to have free markets or will we keep sliding into cronyism? Most Democrats say that they’re for “the little guy” but vote in favor of laws and regulations that help big businesses that play the Washington game. And most Republicans say that they’re for free enterprise, but then vote in favor of laws and regulations that confer special favors on those same big businesses. Time for Americans to wake up to the fact that they’re being played for suckers.

The egalitarians keep wailing about the gap between rich and poor, but their focus is off. They ought to be wailing about the fact that some of the rich get their money not through production and trade, but through political connections. They should also wise up to the fact that taxing more away from those who do earn their money through honest trade doesn’t help the poor, but only further enriches the state.