Choice advocates across the nation got an NCEA apéritif in the June edition of the School Choice Advocate published by the Friedman Foundation. Check out page nine. Regionally, Lindalyn Kakadelis informed the Greater Guilford County Republican Club about the importance of school choice, and electing policy makers who favor it. She also stressed that, once a school choice advocate has been elected, they should be reminded that school choice is compatible with the state’s Constitution. Instead of working to expand choice, the majority of representatives support an across-the-board pay raise for teachers. A silly idea, that. Especially since raising ever teacher’s pay won’t improve education, as Lindalyn made a point of explaining on the Lockwood Phillips show. Elsewhere, Terry Stoops reports his experiences of the first meeting of the Union County facilities focus group. The group consists of school district officials, DPI officials, construction firm representatives, financial executives, and, of course, Terry. It wouldn’t be a surprise to hear at the meeting the argument that more money be thrown into the construction pot, a lamentable idea that many continue to be pandered as a solution.
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